The beginner tips of the House Buyer

The beginner tips of the House Buyer


When buying a house, everyone has priorities. Having written priorities is a helpful way to guide you through the process without forgetting some of the features that are important to you and your family.

Your realtor will also want to understand your prioritized list. Understanding which features mean the most will help eliminate houses that won’t work for you and compare the homes that will.

In this article, we’ll discuss about things to consider when buying a new house. Each will rank differently in importance for individual buyers, but all points are worth examining. If you haven’t already thought seriously about these factors, now is your chance.

And, if you’re buying the home with your special someone, talk it over to make sure you agree on the importance of each feature. Let’s check it out.

1. Location of the house

Buyers want to find a location that allows easy access to the places they frequent the most (work, school, shopping, recreation, place of worship, friends and family). Look for easy access to the main roads and check traffic flow.

Checking this out before a purchase can help save you from hassles getting out of the neighborhood and onto the main thoroughfare or from an unreasonably long commute.

The location of the home within the neighborhood is also important to many people. Some people prefer a lot near the main entry, while others like to be away from traffic and further into the development.

If there is a park, pool or recreation area, some owners would choose the closest available lot.

2. The size of the lot

Many people give little thought to the size of the lot the house sits on. Within a neighborhood, the lot sizes might be fairly similar. Once you’re going to showings and looking at what’s available, you’ll soon see if you have a clear preference of large or small, corner or interior.

Some lots are pie-shaped; some are rectangular, and some are irregular in shape. Depending on the level of privacy, how you will use the lawn, and the length of the driveway, this might matter to you.

If there seems to be a question about where one lot ends, and another begins, check the lot description and dimensions with your realtor. If you find a house that includes two lots, think about the possibilities.

3. The Kitchen layout

Be clear on whether you need a large gourmet kitchen with lots of counter space, sinks and storage or if a typical kitchen will suffice.

Each family has different ideas about cooking. There’s the person who said the only reason there was a kitchen is because it came with the house! In that case, any kitchen would do.

Then, there’s the vegetarian who cooks daily and uses a lot of fresh ingredients, or the quick cook who microwaves all the meals. Some people entertain a lot or have large families to feed. Whatever style of cooking you are into, the kitchen will require a close look.

If you have one person doing all the cooking for only two people, a modest kitchen might be adequate. Parents who are teaching children to cook healthy meals might like more space. Whatever your preferences in the kitchen, jot them down and discuss them with your realtor so you’re looking for the best option for your family.

4. The price

Before even looking, you should determine your price range and 

get pre-approved for a loan. 

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